popobags trading Co. Ltd is located in Guangzhou, China. We specialized in wholesaling and retailing replica of designer name brand fashion handbags, purses, wallets and so on at greatly discount price. We cooperate with many leather factories in china, we are the agent of many factories, and these leather factories will supply all kinds of handbags and purses to us. So you can get high quality and excellent products at the lowest price.
Our tenet is satisfying all our customer. We are proud of our customers' satisfactions. As time going on, more and more foreigner merchants and buyers deal with us, because our products with high quality and low price, most of all we seriously deal with you, and we will offer the best service for you. The serious shopkeepers all over the world are welcomed to contact us, We're looking forward to establishing long and reliable business relations with those serious buyers.
Company: |
Contact: |
Mr. william chen |
Address: |
3#xinjuenan road |
Postcode: |
510000 |
Tel: |
86-13760823915 |
Fax: |
020-34755280 |
E-mail: |